Grades Taught
Glendon School is located northeast of Edmonton and is part of Northern Lights Public Schools. Students from preschool to grade twelve learn together in one building and we strive to be a Triple-A school, with excellence in Academics, Arts, and Athletics. Stop by some time and ask for a tour; we'd be proud to show you where we study and work every day. At Glendon School, we believe that learning is lifelong. The staff at Glendon School take pride in their hard work and continually undertake professional development to improve and to gain new knowledge. We also believe that success is a joint effort. From our students we need excellent attendance, a good effort in your studies, common courtesy, and respect for property, peers and staff members. From our parents and guardians we need regular communication and continued support for our efforts; keep in touch with the school and your children! With everyone working together, Glendon School will continue to be a very special, exciting place where the success of all students will be valued. We hope the content of this website will help you in learning and understanding the expectations and policies of the school. Please feel free to contact teachers or administration about your child or any other school-related topics. Our school website is an invaluable source of real-time information that you will find useful throughout the year.
Leroux, Michelle - Principal
Cote, Claude - Vice Principal
To provide a stable, safe environment for students to come and learn the knowledge and skills needed to advance in our ever-changing world.
The Glendon School is primarily concerned with providing quality education as laid out by Alberta Learning. Furthermore, we are equally concerned with the education of the total student. Such things as social skills, compatibility, authority models, punctuality, respect and common courtesy are values we believe are essential and which our staff works diligently to promote in our students. These attitudes and values cannot be tested but we believe them to be important in the shaping of the virtuous Canadian citizen.
Our rules are simple and are based on the work place model. We expect what would be expected in the work situation.
Our expectations for academics and behaviour standards are high. We are a traditional school, in a traditional community. Our school works conscientiously to retain these traditional values and beliefs.
Vision Statement
A small school with big successes.
Values and Beliefs
With careful thought and consideration the Glendon School Council has developed nine values and beliefs that it feels should be emphasized by everyone at Glendon School. Glendon School is a traditional school in a traditional community and our values and beliefs reflect this. We expect all adults in our school to model these values and beliefs for our children. Success can be celebrated when our children also model these values and beliefs.
- Support The family, the school, and the community must all work together. The financial support and time volunteered by community members, families, staff and students make Glendon School successful in its many endeavours.
- Family In a rural, traditional community great emphasis is placed on the family and its extended members. Glendon School is an extension of the family. The atmosphere in the school should provide a sense of genuine concern, acceptance, empathy and encouragement for everyone.
- Tradition We value the wisdom we get from remembering the traditions of the past and the encouragement it give us, as we look forward to the future.
- Leadership All leaders are valued...from the small child in ECS leading the class out for recess to the Principal providing direction and vision for the school.
- Quality It is important to explore a broad spectrum of approaches to teaching and learning to meet all individual needs. When given the best we can offer, our children will learn how to obtain, manipulate and access knowledge. They will develop a passion and enjoyment for learning thereby reaching their own maximum potential...academically, creatively and physically. This will be a measure of true success.
- High Moral Standards Everyone needs to develop a clear understanding of what is right and wrong. This cannot be done without emphasizing respect, honesty, fairness, sincerity and trust.
- Accountability: Children need to know the importance of personal and social growth. They also need to understand the importance of the work ethic including punctuality, teamwork and striving for their personal best.
Children need to understand responsibility and consequence.
- Teachers and parents need to communicate openly regarding the successes, failures and needs for improvement.
- Individuality All students are unique and need to be accepted equally.
- All students need to be individually challenged at their own level and learning style so they can reach their potential.
- Safety Everyone is entitled to a healthy, safe, secure and happy environment. This can be achieved through self discipline, compromise and a clear, fair and consistent discipline policy. No one should feel s/he is without choice.