Please follow the link to see what scholarships are available to students within the NLSP division.
Student Scholarships & Awards
Northern Lights Local ATA 15 Scholarship

Deadline to apply for this scholarship is May 15, 2022
EnergyRates.Ca College Scholarship 2024
The energy industry has always lived with one foot in the present and the other in the future. With many major projects—power plants, dams, pipelines—having development times measured in decades, success depends upon anticipating the needs of companies and countries in the years ahead.
We look forward to seeing what the next great minds bring to this ever-transforming industry, and want to do our part in assisting those great minds achieve their goals and dreams. This is why Energy Rates is offering a $500 scholarship to any student enrolled in an American or Canadian post-secondary educational institution. Whether you need to pay for your classes or textbooks, or just to put food on the table this semester, it’s yours to do with as you please. All you have to do to be considered for the scholarship is write an essay, no more than 500 words in length, telling us where you see the future of the energy industry.
Scholarship Essay Prompt
You can talk about anything you want—green energy, oil politics, the continued use of nuclear power, your personal ideas and innovations—so long as it’s about energy in the world of tomorrow. What do you think people will be reading about in the news in a few years?
- The deadline for entry submission is January 31, 2024. Any submissions submitted after 11:59 PM MST on January 31st will not be eligible for consideration.
- Essays must be submitted in one of the following document formats: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX), Rich Text File (RTF), or Adobe Acrobat (PDF).
- Please use a standard, easily read font, such as Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri, etc.
- To submit your entry, please use the submission form below. All fields must be filled in–name, email address, and current address. Do NOT forget to attach your essay to your submission.
Please note, failure to meet all of the requirements listed below may result in disqualification.
- Applicants must be enrolled in an American or Canadian post-secondary educational institution, or planning to enroll in such an institution within the following calendar year.
- The subject of the essay must fall within the parameters described above.
- The essay must be written in English or French, and have a length of no more than 500 words (not including title, applicant name, etc).
- The scholarship funds must be used for some education-related expense, such as tuition, books, school fees, room and board, etc.
- The winner of the scholarship grants EnergyRates.Ca non-exclusive publication rights to their essay, so that we can feature their winning essay on our scholarship site.
- EnergyRates.Ca reserves the right to select a panel of judges and scoring methodology at its own discretion.
Building Brighter Futures – Bursaries, Scholarships and Awards Indspire > Building Brighter Futures – Bursaries, Scholarships and Awards Build your own bright future with just one application!
Kin Canada - Bursaries and Scholarships
Application Form
To apply, please complete the fully online application in either English or French below:
Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. |
The Alberta Masonic Higher Education Bursary Fund (AMHEBF) supports and promotes education for the benefit of humanity.
Our bursaries are awarded to students at the post secondary level of education in Alberta and Northwest Territories with the exception of the Fred and Lilly North Masonic Bursary which accepts applications from specific locations within Alberta and Saskatchewan. Bursaries are awarded on a basis of need and proven scholastic ability. Applications are accepted December 1st. annually and the application deadline is February 1st. annually no later than 12:00pm.
In 2018, we proudly provided 60 bursaries on our 60th anniversary; totaling over $300,000.00. And, since its inception in 1959, over 4000 bursaries exceeding 5 Million dollars have been awarded to valued students. To learn more about the AMHEBF and its history, view our video documentary - click here.
Please view below our five bursaries - apply and donate today!