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A Fresh Start: Nurturing a Healthy Lifestyle in January

Greetings, wonderful parents and younger students!

As January unfolds, we embark on a journey of well-being tailored just for you. This month's theme is all about embracing a Healthy Lifestyle – making smart choices, staying active, and ensuring restful sleep. Join us as we dive into fun and accessible ways to nurture your health and happiness.  At Glendon school, we will be focusing on making better choices for ourselves. 

Resource Roundup: Nurturing Well-Being

Discover these handpicked resources suitable for parents and students of all ages, designed to inspire a healthy lifestyle:

For more resources, check out the Healthy Lifestyle page on the NLPS website.


This month at Glendon School:

January 12th: Free School-Wide Hot Lunch 

January 25th: Family Literacy Night 5:30pm-7:00pm 

January 27th: Glendon Public Library Open House 


Reflecting on Last Month: Your Insights Matter!

In December, we celebrated the power of compassion. Share your experiences: How did our previous mental health blog post inspire acts of kindness? Your feedback and ideas are invaluable to us.

Nurturing a Healthy Lifestyle: Tips for Students

Students, let's embrace a vibrant life:

  1. Enjoy colorful fruits and veggies for a nutritious diet.
  2. Engage in physical activities you love every day.
  3. Create a calming bedtime routine for restful sleep.
  4. Practice gratitude for a positive mindset.
  5. Hydrate, breathe, and take breaks for self-care.

Connect with Our Student Advocacy Counsellors: Here for You

Need guidance or wish to discuss well-being? Our Student Advocacy Counselors are ready to help. Reach out at or call 780-635-3881. Let's continue our journey of well-being and vitality together.

Here's to a January filled with vibrant health, joyful exercise, and peaceful sleep. Let's nurture a healthy lifestyle and embrace the year with vitality!

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