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May 2023 - Mental Health Month

Last month, our students learned why it’s important to self-reflect and how that can improve our mental health. 

This month is Mental Health Month and we are focusing on the importance of taking care of ourselves. When we have good mental health, we make heathier choices and it helps us handle stress in a more positive way. 

Mental Health week is from May 1-4 at Glendon school.  Education week happens to be at the same time. Check out all the fun things we have planned for the week:

Monday May 1:

Dog Safety Presentation

Jersey Day

Mental Health Coloring contest 

Tuesday May 2:

Chalk the Walk

Wednesday May 3: 

Hats on for Mental Health

A smoothie a day, keeps the grumpiness away - Smoothies for everyone 

Thursday May 4:

May the Fourth be with you: Star Wars/space day 

Winner of coloring contests announced: k-3, 4-6, 7-12

Friday May 5:

PD day, no school for students 


Here are some things you can do at home that complement what we are doing at school to improve your mental health:

- be active

- eat fruits and vegetables

- compliment someone

- have a positive mindset

- be kind

- connect with people you haven't talked to in a while 

- get enough sleep 

- learn a new skill 


For more information on how to take care of your mental health, check out this link: About mental health

For more resources, check out the Mental Health Resources section of the NLPS website.

If you would like me to connect with your child or your family, you can contact me at the school at 780-635-3881 or at

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