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Prioritizing You: May's Self-Care Adventure Awaits!

Hey there, awesome parents and students!

May has arrived, and with it comes an exciting journey into the world of Self-Care. This month, we're diving into the art of nurturing ourselves, finding joy in the little things, and embracing moments of relaxation. Whether you're a parent looking to set an example or a young student eager to explore self-love, join us on this adventure of well-being and discover the magic of self-care together.  At Glendon school, this means that we will be focusing on reducing stress with exams just around the corner and maintaining a positive mindset.

Resource Roundup: Self-Care Extravaganza

Get ready for a self-care extravaganza with these fantastic resources for parents and students of all ages:

For more resources, check out the Self-Care page on the NLPS website.


May 6-12, 2024 is Mental Health Week. "A Call to be Kind" is the theme this year. Check out the CMHA website for more info. 

Here is how we will be spending our week at Glendon school: 

Monday, May 6: Spirit Day: Mad About Plaid- wear plaid to school

     Kindness buttons with SFSK in classrooms for k-6; in the foyer during lunch for grades 7-12

     Do-nut Worry Monday: Doughnuts for everyone delivered to classrooms in the afternoon.                 (Donation by Tim Hortons in Bonnyville)

Tuesday, May 7: Spirit Day: Tie-dye Tuesday 

     Chalk the Walk 

Wednesday, May 8: Hats on for Mental Health: wear a hat to school 

Thursday, May 9: Spirit Day: Mismatch Day

     Coloring contest - winner in every class that participates 

Friday, May 9: Spirit day: Jersey Day 


Reflecting on Last Month: Your Insights Shine!

Last month, we celebrated the magic of self-love. Share your thoughts: How did the theme of *Love Your Mind* impact your family? Your feedback and ideas make our community thrive.

Self-Care: Where Students Blossom

Students, it's time to embrace self-care:

  • Create a Relaxing Ritual: Set aside time each day to do something that relaxes you. It could be reading a book, taking a bubble bath, or listening to your favorite music. Make it a sacred ritual that helps you unwind and recharge.
  • Unplug from Screens: Take a break from the digital world and give yourself some screen-free time. Engage in activities that don't involve screens, like painting, writing, playing a musical instrument, or spending time in nature. Let your imagination run wild!
  • Physical Self-Care: Engage in activities that get your body moving and feeling great. Whether it's dancing to your favorite tunes, going for a bike ride, or practicing yoga, find activities that bring you joy and keep you physically healthy.
  • Mental Self-Care: Feed your brain with things that make you happy and challenged. Read a captivating book, solve puzzles, or engage in creative pursuits like drawing, painting, or writing. Give your mind the nourishment it needs!
  • Emotional Self-Care: Tune in to your emotions and find healthy ways to express them. Talk to a trusted friend, keep a journal, or engage in activities that bring you comfort, such as listening to music or cuddling with a pet.
  • Social Self-Care: Surround yourself with positive and supportive people. Spend time with friends who lift you up, join clubs or groups that align with your interests, and nurture those connections that bring you joy and laughter

Connect with Our Student Advocacy Counsellors: Your Support System

Need a chat or guidance? Our Student Advocacy Counsellors are here to help. Contact or call 780-635-3881. Let's embark on the journey of self-care together!

May's canvas is painted with self-love, joy, and rejuvenation. Let's embrace the gift of self-care and celebrate our well-being!

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